Corruption And Complicity
Ignacio Acevedo

Corruption And Complicity

Media Creations, Incorporated (Oct 2009)
274 pages | 178 x 254 mm
LC Control No. 2009933890


  • Biography & Autobiography / Business
  • Biography & Autobiography / General
  • Business & Economics / Industries / Retailing
  • Family & Relationships / Parenting / Fatherhood
  • Law / Business & Financial


Ignacio Acevedo was born in a poor, outlying neighborhood of Medellin, Colombia. His home had only two rooms and did not have flooring, water, electricity or access by automobile. He walked barefoot until he was 10 years old. With his brothers, he started a small company which became the largest electronics business in Colombia. But the dangers of living in Colombia still made life hard. In March 1971, Ignacio sold his shares in Haceb. He and his wife, Martha, came to the United States of America, with approximately $1.5 million, to create a better life for their family. Ignacio and one of his nine sons invested in a restaurant franchise. The son decided that he was the sole owner of the restaurant later. Illegally taking possessions of his father's investment, this loveless son left his elder parents with nothing. Confronted with the criminal actions of this man, the large corporation accepted his actions, turning their heads the other way.


Added Date Jun 22, 2012 19:46:14
Modified Date Jun 22, 2012 19:46:14